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To Any Record Company ,

We hope you will look over our enclosed material! Why? Because we know that hard work and determination really pays off in the end, and that goes for anything we do in life. Lamon Davis is really working hard to make the year 2013 & 2014 successful! He has what it takes to be successful in any company as well as “Grizzim Productions”. Lamon Davis is the featured artist & lyricist on these tracks and 50% of these tracks are his own concept. The other 50% is done by “Grizzim Productions” The work we do is a blessing from GOD, in which we give ALL the glory! Music is our life, because it gives us the ability to express our self in a positive way. And if anyone will give us the opportunity we will not let you down or lose the quality of our fan base !  We are unique in what we do and we have no time for games! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME

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